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Full Version: Getting Memory Check to Work for GameCube games
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I've been trying to get, what I'm hoping is an equivalent to a breakpoint read working. I rebuilt the latest Dolphin in Debug x64 out of Git in Visual Studio 2013, and it is able to run Eternal Darkness in debugger mode. Memory poking works fine, but it never breaks when I do a memory read in Dolphin. Without getting that to work, it's difficult to trace things.

The memory location is: 010E0254

So I set a memory read around that range:

And then hit OK.

But nothing changes, and game keeps running. I am 100% sure that address is read, as I have been testing values there, and depending on what I set, when I press a button it is a different effect.

Please help!
Does the log pick it up? It should show up under MI Memmap when the log is at level DEBUG or INFO. The other thing to try is to change the address to the 0x8XXXXXXX mirror. i.e. change the breakpoint to 810e0250.

The other thing is, I haven't tested the memory breakpoints in a fair few months now - it might be broken.

I guess I was more interested in the the "break" than the logging, but I just tried enabling logging in MI Memmap, and don't see any logging in the files.

It did not break with 810e0250 either.

Also, I could only run with debugging flag true, if CPU Emulator Engine was JITIL Recompiler - it bonked on exceptions early if JIT (but oddly it runs fine in JIT without the debugging flag on /d).

If you need a save state let me know, though probably any address to read is fine to see if it works (but if somehow that one works)