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Full Version: Unsure about opengl performance
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so using my current hardware i was able to get stable 30fps using direct3d with Windows 7, however on windows with the newest development builds id get about 15'ish stable with opengl.   I know that direct3d isnt supported on linux, so im curious if now that i got linux back on my system, with it being more light-weight, will the newest dev builds get a stable 30 fps with my current hardware?

Huh  Huh  Heart

Operating System: Linux Mint 17.1 KDE
Processor/CPU: Amd Phenom II X4 940 Black Edition Deneb Quad-Core 3.0GHz
Video Card/GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 460
Memory/RAM: 4gb G.SKILL

Edit : so it seems using the master branch version from ppa:glennric/dolphin-emu that i can get 60 fps in intros/videos and 30 fps in game with twilight princess + enhancements, but on spyro im bouncing between 30's and 40's fps with videos in spyro a new beginning with like 15 - 20 fps in game.

what is wrong with the opengl backend?
There's nothing wrong with opengl. I can play in d3d11 and opengl at 4x resolution, anistropic x16 , depending on some games i can go up to 2x antialias but most of the time its off. I get 60 fps on both. I actually prefer to use opengl because its more compatible and doesnt crash like the d3d does for me. I would upgrade that cpu its like 7 years old thats probably why you are lagging. I'm still using the old wiimotion builds from like two years ago.
As addressed in your other thread, Spyro is most likely CPU bound, overclock to get better speeds.

Dolphinuser123, you can go that high with IR/AA/AF because you have one of the strongest available GPUs. Nfaug's GTX 460 is getting old, and while still strong, can't handle the same level as you. Also, you should really be using the latest dev builds.