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(12-20-2014, 08:35 AM)JMC47 Wrote: [ -> ]With Super Mario Galaxy, I use HLE audio because LLE audio will kick my computer's ass (I just deal with the minor audio issues in master,) 2x IR (3x IR starts to lag my machine,) EFB2Texture, OpenGL (D3D is a lot slower.)  If you're still having problems; try lowering the Internal Resolution, I find with Mario Galaxy 1/2 that's directly relative to the speed you get due to EFB Peeks/pokes being more demanding the higher the resolution.

So you leave the EFB stuff on default? I've never messed with that. What about openGL vs D3D? For whatever reason lowering from 3x IR to 2.5 helped a lot. I'm using LLE and it seems to be working okay. How can I prevent it from going to that 63 fps and causing that little sound scratch?
That's shadercache stuttering; it'll go away as you play the game more. Exclusive fullscreen should help a little too; but I think it's mainly going to be the shader-cache stuttering. Making sure the frame-limiter is on auto should help as well.
(12-20-2014, 09:11 AM)JMC47 Wrote: [ -> ]That's shadercache stuttering; it'll go away as you play the game more.  Exclusive fullscreen should help a little too; but I think it's mainly going to be the shader-cache stuttering.  Making sure the frame-limiter is on auto should help as well.

I don't even see the frame limiter
Open Dolphin, then click the Config button. You'll see it.
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