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Also try switching over to OpenGL, it's faster than D3D on Nvidia cards
(11-23-2014, 11:58 AM)KHg8m3r Wrote: [ -> ]Also try switching over to OpenGL, it's faster than D3D on Nvidia cards

The version that I'm running (Dolphin branch Ishiiruka.52cc67a.x64) does not have OpneGL as an there a way to add it as an option so I can try it out?
Go grab the latest build of Ishiiruka, as I know for definite that it has OpenGL (I just looked)
OpenGL lacks the best option in Ishiiruka, full async shader compilation.
Hmmm...what to do then?? I'll give it a try. With this current build I'm using I am not getting any audio on the opening scenes of goldeneye 007, but then it picks up at the screen where you create save data. Have you guys had any audio issues like that?
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