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your retarded for hitting your monitor with a shoe

back on topic now children
(08-25-2009, 03:46 PM)THELUKESTIR Wrote: [ -> ]your retarded for hitting your monitor with a shoe

I hate bugs..Sad


don't we all. I have insect phobia, A grass hopper had me backing up to the wall yesterday
lol im sorry but thts i dont like grasshoppers either...they have huge jaws of doom!!


I hate bugs/insects/SPIDERS.... Spiders most of all. Worst part is, I can't kill em because im afraid to get that close
Never would have thought a topic I started would have carried over to a topic about bug phobia ... Huh
lol i hate spider too...especially those medium sized ones tht are all harry and gray and move the speed of lightning!!
Please keep on topic, your posts are useless for this thread
1) Doesn't really do anything for me
2) I think it really depends on the game
3) Not sure about that one
[color=#0000CD]CacoFF, See Whatcha Do?[/color]
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