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So today I recorded a DTM movie. Works great when I replay it in Dolphin. However, when I go to dump it, the framerate is around 10 while the movie plays at normal speed. It even continues as I'm choosing my codec, leaving me stuck at the title screen until the movie suddenly ends. If I had known, I would have just used FRAPS. But I really don't want to replay the game again.

My question is this: is there a way to sync the movie inputs to the framerate? Or am I stuck having to replay the game?

EDIT: Also, another reason I'd prefer to use the DTM file is to keep the end AVI smooth without framerate drops.


Sorry, let me explain a little better. I recorded the DTM file of my inputs and when I play it in Dolphin normally, it syncs perfectly and plays through the game as I recorded it.

However, when I try to dump my frames, the following occurs. The game drops to about 10 FPS but the inputs from the DTM file continue playing as if it's still at 60 FPS, leading to major desync. The DTM input still continues even as I'm choosing my video codec. EXAMPLE: The game itself is at frame 6000, while the DTM file is inputting frame 85000. I was just wondering if it's possible to sync the DTM to the current framerate so it doesn't speed past and cause desync or if I'm gonna have to rerecord using FRAPs instead.
Try using the latest dev build and see if the frames still don't sync up
Works fine for me...

There's no way what you're saying could happen..