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Full Version: Unusual Slowdown For My System Specs
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Take Framelimit off 30.
I've tried everything you guys have suggested, but I have still not gotten any performance boost at all, which is really odd. Maybe it could just be this game (this is my first time running dolphin) so I'll try some other game and see if I get the same slowdown.
EFB TO GL (the hack)does it help?
EFB to Ram is kinda alot slower
No, it doesn't appear to give me any FPS boost infront of the statue on Isle Delphino. After running around alot it appears that my FPS increases when I am not in the shadows, or when I am in small areas. Everything I've tried does not give me any FPS boost infront of the statue though, its always 20.

Edit: I think this is just a windows 7 issue so I'm going to stop trying to get it working. Thanks for your help everyone.


set frameskipper to 2
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