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Full Version: Is dolphin 4.x usable on Linux?
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I've been having an absolute *blast* playing GC/Wii games on my computer with dolphin 3.5 as provided by rpmfusion... it's a little slow, but playable, and the graphics are amazing :-D. (Except for a weird bloom bug...)

Alas, there's one spot in a particular game (RO7E7D) that's just a little flaky and really hard to get past without dolphin crashing.

In hopes of getting around that (and maybe better speed and not having the bloom shader issue), I wanted to try 4.x. Since there are no packages, I've had to build it myself. I couldn't get stable (4.0.2) to work at all; depending on which GL flavor (normal, EGL, GELW, GLEW3) I try, I either get crashes or no graphics. I'm having a tiny bit better luck on master... but only a little bit.

The good news: It runs. Sometimes.

The bad news:

- The keyboard seems to be completely non-functional. No hotkeys work. Wiimote aiming with the mouse is equally non-functional, resulting in a cursor permanently stuck in the middle of the screen that makes menus unusable (as the cursor trumps using the game pad to change selection). Note that I'm using an XBox 360 controller set up as a classic gamepad. (3.5 has none of these issues.)

- The audio is much worse. I realize that this is due to throttling the audio to keep things better in sync with the VPU emulation speed, and in fairness it's a big improvement for pre-rendered cutscenes versus 3.5's stuttering. In game, however, it makes everything sound wrong, for questionable benefit (de-sync isn't that big an issue, and it's not an issue at all for the background music, which now sounds terrible). Is there a way to turn this off and get the old behavior back?

- The bloom issues are not only still present, they're far worse than before, to the point that the game is nearly unplayable due to half the screen being a solid mass of cyan (#00ffff). I'm also missing textures that were present in 3.5 (e.g. no sky).

- The controller right stick is messed up; the game registers both left and right as left, and both up and down as down. (The UI configuration shows the axes being read correctly.) The left stick seems okay.

- Loading a saved state crashes (SEGV). I tried to use gdb to get a backtrace, but starting the game caused my entire X session to lock up except for the mouse cursor. (Fortunately, killing the process from a TTY fixed that.)

Am I doing something wrong? Does anyone have any suggestions how to go about fixing these issues? Is this known to be unusable?

Any help would be appreciated; thanks...

I've attached two screen shots showing what I'm talking about graphics-wise ("insert into post" doesn't seem to work for me on either of the two browsers I tried). The worse one is with master... at native resolution, to prove that's not related (though I have yet to come across an issue where this matters). The other is with 3.5. The bloom artifacts can be seen in both, but in the 3.5 version they're tolerable. It's not entirely obvious in these particular screen shots, but part of the sky (compare right side) is missing in master.

As far as the input... I also recently upgraded my system, and while I never had issues previously, I'm noticing that I have a *bit* of the right-stick issue now in 3.5 as well. The up/down works fine in 3.5, but hard right reads as left. (It's actually really twitchy; I can get right, sometimes, for a bit, if I'm gentle with the stick, but it seems like after some threshold it starts reading only as left until I recenter the stick.)

Possibly related to the keyboard issue, I notice that master does something different w.r.t. to how it reads input. In 3.5, the dolphin window must have focus to read my gamepad, and the keyboard/mouse also work. In master, the gamepad is read no matter what window has focus, but the keyboard/mouse are never read.
More... The right stick issue might only affect RO7E7D. (Or maybe it's specific to the Wii classic controller emulation; the other games I tested are all Gamecube games.) The other issues I'm seeing in all games.

It occurred to me to turn on "show input display" to see if maybe dolphin was misreading the game pad only when the game is actually running for some reason. Guess what else doesn't work...

Also, G5SE7D is almost unplayably slow on master (about 22 VPS), whereas with 3.5 I'm getting 100% (60 VPS). (On the plus side, G6SE7D seems slightly faster; about 53 VPS on master versus 44 VPS on 3.5.)

I'd appreciate any comments, suggestions for debugging or further analysis, etc.
Well, if your drivers suck, newer Dolphin will be slower because it's more demanding of GPUs and GPU features. It's faster because it's more efficient on good drivers and the CPU has been optimized.

the Right stick bug is fixed in a PR, waiting on a few things to be tightened up on it.
It looks like you're using the open source driver. If so switch to the latests catalyst beta driver.
(07-28-2014, 03:33 PM)JMC47 Wrote: [ -> ]Well, if your drivers suck, newer Dolphin will be slower because it's more demanding of GPUs and GPU features. It's faster because it's more efficient on good drivers and the CPU has been optimized.

Is this independent of frame skip, render settings, etc.? Because I have never seen a difference in FPS regardless of resolution or settings, which leads me to think my GPU can handle the load, and I'm CPU bound. With G5SE7D it's the VPS that's brutally slow. (So slow in fact that I actually have FPS = VPS, which I almost never see. And I do see 100% CPU use on at least one core...)

(07-28-2014, 03:33 PM)JMC47 Wrote: [ -> ]the Right stick bug is fixed in a PR, waiting on a few things to be tightened up on it.

That's good to hear. Can you tell me which one? I'd be interested in testing locally...
It's in master, latest builds will work.
(07-29-2014, 02:05 PM)JMC47 Wrote: [ -> ]It's in master, latest builds will work.

Thanks; confirmed. Keyboard still doesn't work, though. I got the mouse (via free look) to work once but it promptly stopped working (I think when the render window lost focused) and wouldn't work again.