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Full Version: Tool to import Dolphin games into Steam?
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I had an idea for a script built into dolphin that can spit out a bunch of .exe's in a folder in the dolphin folder that can be added to steam. When you run one it launches that game in dolphin with the settings from the last time dolphin was closed. This could be expanded upon even further if you bind say an xbox controller to keys on the keyboard, then you could even STREAM emulators using steam streaming. I have done this, but the tool that spits out premade .exe's would be cool.
I actually had a thread about Steam Streaming before: if you wanna check it out here.

I've never used ICE, but I find using this method works very well. But do as you please. I should share what I do anyway, since I find its very effective and doesn't require an extra program thingie.
What I do to get my Dolphin games to launch directly from steam is just adding the "dolphin.exe" in non-steam games, then right click "Properties" and in the "Target" box add "/e" then "location of your imagefile" then "/b".

"F:\dolphin\Dolphin.exe" /e "F:\dolphin\isofiles\FARTSQUAD.ISO" /b

what "/e" does (iirc) is it tells the emulator that you want to launch the specific image file you've given it in the quotes.
what "/b" does (iirc) is it tells the emulator to close immediately after stopping the emulation.

Works perfectly with steam overlay and you can even take screen shots! Very fun.
Also steam streaming seems to work perfectly fine with xbox controllers (any other controller, as it seems, either works a little or not at all :/ )

Anyway- this is usually how I use Dolphin, hah.