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maybe this question has been asked before, but is it possible to use a real sd-card with the emulator? This way I can get my game data, channels, etc. from the emulator onto my real Nintendo Wii.
You can find the SD.raw file in your dolphin folder and extract the data from it on to your SD card
I don't think that will work. When I enter the Wii System menu and select SD-menu or go to the SD-card tab in your data settings, it says that there is no SD-card. I did find the SD.raw file, even tried to add some data to it using Winimage, but in the Wii menu it still says no SD-card.
I need the emulated Wii System menu to recognize the SD.raw file as a SD-card, otherwise I won't be able to store any game data in the file.
Have you enabled SD Card in Config => Wii?
Haha I just saw it. SD Card was not enabled. True... It seems that this option is not automatically enabled.
Now I can use the SD.raw file as a SD Card. Just tested it.

But still, are we or will we be able to use a real SD Card in the emulator (for the people with card readers) ? Then I can just unplug the card and put it into the Wii, instead of messing with contents of those archives... Would be great to see this happen in the future.

Yet another question, now I have this SD.raw file but I'm not able to copy any games saves from the SD-Card to the emulated Wii, and I'm also not able to copy channels from the emulator onto the SD Card. Any suggestions?
I think you can use it on the SD card, but it will still be saved as SD.raw
ok, then I should say: I'm not able to copy any game saves from the SD.raw file to the emulated Wii, and I'm also not able to copy channels from the emulator into the SD.raw file.
But why is this? And what can I do about it?
Save files can be imported by copying them to the SD card in the Wii and then using Tools => Import Wii Save data in Dolphin. Channels not working as far as I know...