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Hi im the new guy here and i just dwnlded 4.0.2 x86, but when i try to play wind waker it says "failed to compile pixel shader" and so im like wtf man this sucks, and this is the contents of the note in my dump folder:

//Pixel Shader for TEV stages
//1 TEV stages, 1 texgens, 0 IND stages
uniform sampler2D samp0 : register(s0);
uniform sampler2D samp1 : register(s1);
uniform sampler2D samp2 : register(s2);
uniform sampler2D samp3 : register(s3);
uniform sampler2D samp4 : register(s4);
uniform sampler2D samp5 : register(s5);
uniform sampler2D samp6 : register(s6);
uniform sampler2D samp7 : register(s7);

uniform float4 color[4] : register(c0);
uniform float4 k[4] : register(c4);
uniform float4 alphaRef[1] : register(c8);
uniform float4 texdim[8] : register(c9);
uniform float4 czbias[2] : register(c17);
uniform float4 cindscale[2] : register(c19);
uniform float4 cindmtx[6] : register(c21);
uniform float4 cfog[3] : register(c27);
uniform float4 cPLights[40] : register(c30);
uniform float4 cPmtrl[4] : register(c70);
void main(
out float4 ocol0 : COLOR0,
out float depth : DEPTH,
in float4 rawpos : POSITION,
in float4 colors_0 : COLOR0,
in float4 colors_1 : COLOR1,
in float3 uv0 : TEXCOORD0,
in float4 clipPos : TEXCOORD1 ) {
float4 c0 = color[1], c1 = color[2], c2 = color[3], prev = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), textemp = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), rastemp = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), konsttemp = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
float3 comp16 = float3(1.0f, 255.0f, 0.0f), comp24 = float3(1.0f, 255.0f, 255.0f*255.0f);
float alphabump=0.0f;
float3 tevcoord=float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
float2 wrappedcoord=float2(0.0f,0.0f), tempcoord=float2(0.0f,0.0f);
float4 cc0=float4(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f), cc1=float4(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);
float4 cc2=float4(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f), cprev=float4(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);
float4 crastemp=float4(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f),ckonsttemp=float4(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);

clipPos = float4(rawpos.x, rawpos.y, clipPos.z, clipPos.w);
uv0.xy = uv0.xy * texdim[0].zw;
// TEV stage 0
rastemp = colors_0.rgba;
crastemp = frac(rastemp * (255.0f/256.0f)) * (256.0f/255.0f);
tevcoord.xy = uv0.xy;
textemp = tex2D(samp0,tevcoord.xy * texdim[0].xy).rgba;
// color combine
prev.rgb = clamp((textemp.rgb)*(crastemp.rgb), 0.0f, 1.0f);
// alpha combine
prev.a = clamp(textemp.a*crastemp.a, 0.0f, 1.0f);

// TEV done
float zCoord = czbias[1].x + (clipPos.z / clipPos.w) * czbias[1].y;
depth = zCoord;
float ze = cfog[1].x / (cfog[1].y - (zCoord / cfog[1].w));
float x_adjust = (2.0f * (clipPos.x / cfog[2].y)) - 1.0f - cfog[2].x;
x_adjust = sqrt(x_adjust * x_adjust + cfog[2].z * cfog[2].z) / cfog[2].z;
ze *= x_adjust;
float fog = clamp(ze - cfog[1].z, 0.0f, 1.0f);
prev.rgb = lerp(prev.rgb, cfog[0].rgb, fog);
ocol0 = prev;

It would be cool if someone could help me with this
Without a dedicated GPU , you can't run Dolphin . Your onboard GPU is unsupported by Dolphin . Neither your CPU nor GPU are good enough to run Dolphin anyway
Get a better computer ! For Dolphin , get top of the line PC ( i5 4670k , Z87 motherboard , EVGA GTX 650 or better GPU ....$700 in total)


(01-01-2014, 03:02 PM)admin89 Wrote: [ -> ]Without a dedicated GPU , you can't run Dolphin . Your onboard GPU is unsupported by Dolphin . Neither your CPU nor GPU are good enough to run Dolphin anyway
Get a better computer ! For Dolphin , get top of the line PC ( i5 4670k , Z87 motherboard , EVGA GTX 650 or better GPU ....$700 in total)
could i download a former version of dolphin and use that?
We don't even know what IGP you have since you didn't list it. You probably could run an older version of dolphin but you wouldn't be able to reach tolerable speeds in any game except maybe animal crossing with that system. You desperately need a better computer.
(01-02-2014, 08:28 AM)NaturalViolence Wrote: [ -> ]but you wouldn't be able to reach tolerable speeds in any game except maybe animal crossing with that system

And some other very "light" Wii games


(01-01-2014, 03:02 PM)admin89 Wrote: [ -> ]Without a dedicated GPU , you can't run Dolphin . Your onboard GPU is unsupported by Dolphin . Neither your CPU nor GPU are good enough to run Dolphin anyway
Get a better computer ! For Dolphin , get top of the line PC ( i5 4670k , Z87 motherboard , EVGA GTX 650 or better GPU ....$700 in total)
could i download a former version of dolphin and use that?
No one stop you from doing so and it doesn't harm you or anything like that . Do you even need a permission lol ?
It will be a waste of time anyway . 99.9% games would be unplayable with 1.73GHz CPU even if you had a very good GPU
Why did you repost the same question 5 hours later after it had been answered?