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Full Version: Extract_certs.exe does nothing after dropping
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I followed the guide (, downloaded with NUS downloader in the correct way, downloaded extract_certs.exe and dropped the file in the commandpromp window. But then nothing happens and no extra files (clientca.pem, clientcakey.pem and rootca.pem) are created at the directory of What goes wrong?


I had the same problem, the guide is very unclear on this step. What worked for me was dragging the onto the exe you downloaded (don't open the exe manually) and then follow the rest of the guide.
That worked for me, someone should add this information to the guide! Thank you!
(08-30-2013, 03:58 AM)clyspe Wrote: [ -> ]I had the same problem, the guide is very unclear on this step. What worked for me was dragging the onto the exe you downloaded (don't open the exe manually) and then follow the rest of the guide.
The guide says exactly this. Please read it before complaining:

Quote:Download the extract_certs.exe program. Drag and drop the you got from NUS Downloader on this program, and you should see three files appear next to clientca.pem, clientcakey.pem and rootca.pem.
Firstly I'm not complaining, but asking something. And secondly there stays "on this program"; some users could see this as drop the file into the commandpromp window instead of at the exe. Maybe you should explain this better?
(08-30-2013, 05:35 AM)delroth Wrote: [ -> ]The guide says exactly this. Please read it before complaining:

Quote:Download the extract_certs.exe program. Drag and drop the you got from NUS Downloader on this program, and you should see three files appear next to clientca.pem, clientcakey.pem and rootca.pem.
Maybe one realizes the command prompt window is the command prompt, and not some other random program.
However, delroth does seem to be missing a "1" in "".