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Full Version: One gamepad = 2 players?
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Ok, playing brawl, i attempt to go into just regular "Brawl mode" And it seems that I have my gamepad connected and i also have a wiimote connected? I don't..but i keep getting the "restart/back to wiimenu menu" where it shows the battery life and such. ANYWAY! When i select my character, there is two hands, for player one and player two, and my gamepad controls them both, but it moves them in each in different directions (EX: Player one goes up, player two goes left) It gets very difficult to navigate menus, etc.

If you don't plan to use the wiimote, real or emulated, disable it completely, and bind any buttons to a key won't press, and set anything refering to your gamepad as none or off in the wiimote plugin.
It still shows as two controller in the select screen.

I think it's because i'm using xpadder, and it's not picking up my logitech, but it's picking up my keyboard, and since my logitech is bounded to the keyboard commands it only picks those up, as it only has support for xbox? anyway to change this?
The second player will remain there, nothing you can do about it.
As long as the hand stays there, and the menues work without problems, it's like the second player never existed.
No, the menus have a lot of problems, both of the hands go in different directions making it near impossible to navigate.
I can send you my config file of the wiimote plugin.
Every time I try a newly compiled dolphin i have a similar problem, and I solve it by placing that config file I made ages ago.
Alright, upload to megaupload?
Forum attachment Big Grin

This one practically blanks all the Wiimote config. So i would make a backup of the original config, just in case.
Goes in *dolphin*\User\Config

Forum won't let me add .ini files, i zipped it.