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Full Version: [GC] Wave Race Blue Strom Bug
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(06-05-2009, 07:39 AM)val532 Wrote: [ -> ]it's work for me on 1080° but dolphin crash at the third race (at the end) and crazy taxy work fine

Yes, I get random crashes in 1080.

(06-05-2009, 08:46 AM)val532 Wrote: [ -> ]I don't understand this game work or not because on official Dolphin site we can see this video :

That's a pre-rendered movie.
I can not even see it.
(06-05-2009, 07:39 AM)val532 Wrote: [ -> ]it's work for me on 1080° but dolphin crash at the third race (at the end) and crazy taxy work fine

edit : but wave race dos not work

(06-05-2009, 12:35 PM)val532 Wrote: [ -> ]I can not even see it.

It appears if you wait at the logo screen (and possibly the menus) for a while.

(04-01-2009, 06:56 AM)val532 Wrote: [ -> ]I have a problem with this game it's not work, i would say that the game runs a loop in which it is blocked.

Yes it seems to loop between only two functions that I can see. zz_0123bcc_ and a portion in zz_00fd84c in the NTSC version. This code in the NTSC version when I start a Championship game:

80123bcc 0 zz_0123bcc_               lwz    r3, -0x6590 (r13)        
80123bd0 0 zz_0123bcc_               lhz    r3, 0x000E (r3)
80123bd4 0 zz_0123bcc_               blr    

80023624 0 zz_00235cc_               bl    ->0x80123BCC # This is where it hangs when crashing through the glass on the seventh level
80023628 0 zz_00235cc_               rlwinm    r3, r3, 0, 16, 31 (0000ffff)
8002362c 0 zz_00235cc_               addis    r0, r3, 0
80023630 0 zz_00235cc_               cmplwi    r0, 45059
80023634 0 zz_00235cc_               beq-    ->0x80023640
80023638 0 zz_00235cc_               cmplwi    r0, 45056
8002363c 0 zz_00235cc_               bne+    ->0x80023624

800fdc90 0 zz_00fd84c_               blt-    ->0x800FDCA8                   # The jump to the loop below
800fdc94 0 zz_00fd84c_               xori    r0, r4, 0x0001
800fdc98 0 zz_00fd84c_               stw    r0, 0x010C (r29)
800fdc9c 0 zz_00fd84c_               li    r0, 0
800fdca0 0 zz_00fd84c_               stw    r0, 0x011C (r29)
800fdca4 0 zz_00fd84c_               sth    r0, -0x6880 (r13)

800fdca8 0 zz_00fd84c_               bl    ->0x80123BCC                      # Stuck in this loop
800fdcac 0 zz_00fd84c_               lhz    r0, -0x8000 (r13)
800fdcb0 0 zz_00fd84c_               rlwinm    r3, r3, 0, 16, 31 (0000ffff)
800fdcb4 0 zz_00fd84c_               cmplw    r3, r0
800fdcb8 0 zz_00fd84c_               beq-    ->0x800FDCC4
800fdcbc 0 zz_00fd84c_               cmplwi    r3, 45056
800fdcc0 0 zz_00fd84c_               bne+    ->0x800FDCA8         # Change to nop

800fdf08 0 zz_00fdef4_               stw    r29, 0x000C (sp)
800fdf0c 0 zz_00fdef4_               bl    ->0x80123BCC
800fdf10 0 zz_00fdef4_               rlwinm    r0, r3, 0, 16, 31 (0000ffff)
800fdf14 0 zz_00fdef4_               cmplwi    r0, 45060
800fdf18 0 zz_00fdef4_               beq-    ->0x800FDF24
800fdf1c 0 zz_00fdef4_               cmplwi    r0, 45056
800fdf20 0 zz_00fdef4_               bne+    ->0x800FDF0C    # Change to nop

On PAL the same thing looks like this

80124e54 0 zz_0124e54_               lwz    r3, -0x6530 (r13)  # This function is moved 0x1288 bytes forward
80124e58 0 zz_0124e54_               lhz    r3, 0x000E (r3)
80124e5c 0 zz_0124e54_               blr    

800235d8 0 zz_0023580_               bl    ->0x80124E54 # This is where it hangs when crashing through the glass on the seventh level
800235dc 0 zz_0023580_               rlwinm    r3, r3, 0, 16, 31 (0000ffff)  # This function is moved 0x4c bytes forward compared to NTSC
800235e0 0 zz_0023580_               addis    r0, r3, 0
800235e4 0 zz_0023580_               cmplwi    r0, 45059
800235e8 0 zz_0023580_               beq-    ->0x800235F4
800235ec 0 zz_0023580_               cmplwi    r0, 45056
800235f0 0 zz_0023580_               bne+    ->0x800235D8

800faef0 0 zz_00faedc_               bl    ->0x80124E54            # This is where it hangs the second time after character and level selection
800faef4 0 zz_00faedc_               lhz    r0, -0x8000 (r13)
800faef8 0 zz_00faedc_               rlwinm    r3, r3, 0, 16, 31 (0000ffff)
800faefc 0 zz_00faedc_               cmplw    r3, r0
800faf00 0 zz_00faedc_               beq-    ->0x800FAF0C
800faf04 0 zz_00faedc_               cmplwi    r3, 45056
800faf08 0 zz_00faedc_               bne+    ->0x800FAEF0        # Change to nop

800fdac0 0 zz_00fd664_               bl    ->0x80124E54
800fdac4 0 zz_00fd664_               lhz    r0, -0x8000 (r13)
800fdac8 0 zz_00fd664_               rlwinm    r3, r3, 0, 16, 31 (0000ffff)
800fdacc 0 zz_00fd664_               cmplw    r3, r0
800fdad0 0 zz_00fd664_               beq-    ->0x800FDADC
800fdad4 0 zz_00fd664_               cmplwi    r3, 45056
800fdad8 0 zz_00fd664_               bne+    ->0x800FDAC0       # Change to nop

800fdd24 0 zz_00fdd0c_               bl    ->0x80124E54       # This is where it hangs when changing character
800fdd28 0 zz_00fdd0c_               rlwinm    r0, r3, 0, 16, 31 (0000ffff)
800fdd2c 0 zz_00fdd0c_               cmplwi    r0, 45060
800fdd30 0 zz_00fdd0c_               beq-    ->0x800FDD3C
800fdd34 0 zz_00fdd0c_               cmplwi    r0, 45056
800fdd38 0 zz_00fdd0c_               bne+    ->0x800FDD24     # Change to nop
Patch files added to the cheats database now

[Image: GWRE01-5.JPG]
not sure if you use/tested pal jp but it fails horribly
yeah mine is Pal and it's doesn't work. just black screen and 0fps
Running the NTSC version, as soon as I pick a mode it just hangs, how did you get into a race?
nevermind it runs finally on the 3359!
I have a probleme I use your patch but it doesn't work.

How made a similar report :
80124e54 0 zz_0124e54_               lwz    r3, -0x6530 (r13)  # This function is moved 0x1288 bytes forward
80124e58 0 zz_0124e54_               lhz    r3, 0x000E (r3)
80124e5c 0 zz_0124e54_               blr    

800235d8 0 zz_0023580_               bl    ->0x80124E54 # This is where it hangs when crashing through the glass on the seventh level
800235dc 0 zz_0023580_               rlwinm    r3, r3, 0, 16, 31 (0000ffff)  # This function is moved 0x4c bytes forward compared to NTSC
800235e0 0 zz_0023580_               addis    r0, r3, 0
800235e4 0 zz_0023580_               cmplwi    r0, 45059
800235e8 0 zz_0023580_               beq-    ->0x800235F4
800235ec 0 zz_0023580_               cmplwi    r0, 45056
800235f0 0 zz_0023580_               bne+    ->0x800235D8

800faef0 0 zz_00faedc_               bl    ->0x80124E54            # This is where it hangs the second time after character and level selection
800faef4 0 zz_00faedc_               lhz    r0, -0x8000 (r13)
800faef8 0 zz_00faedc_               rlwinm    r3, r3, 0, 16, 31 (0000ffff)
800faefc 0 zz_00faedc_               cmplw    r3, r0
800faf00 0 zz_00faedc_               beq-    ->0x800FAF0C
800faf04 0 zz_00faedc_               cmplwi    r3, 45056
800faf08 0 zz_00faedc_               bne+    ->0x800FAEF0        # Change to nop

800fdac0 0 zz_00fd664_               bl    ->0x80124E54
800fdac4 0 zz_00fd664_               lhz    r0, -0x8000 (r13)
800fdac8 0 zz_00fd664_               rlwinm    r3, r3, 0, 16, 31 (0000ffff)
800fdacc 0 zz_00fd664_               cmplw    r3, r0
800fdad0 0 zz_00fd664_               beq-    ->0x800FDADC
800fdad4 0 zz_00fd664_               cmplwi    r3, 45056
800fdad8 0 zz_00fd664_               bne+    ->0x800FDAC0       # Change to nop

800fdd24 0 zz_00fdd0c_               bl    ->0x80124E54       # This is where it hangs when changing character
800fdd28 0 zz_00fdd0c_               rlwinm    r0, r3, 0, 16, 31 (0000ffff)
800fdd2c 0 zz_00fdd0c_               cmplwi    r0, 45060
800fdd30 0 zz_00fdd0c_               beq-    ->0x800FDD3C
800fdd34 0 zz_00fdd0c_               cmplwi    r0, 45056
800fdd38 0 zz_00fdd0c_               bne+    ->0x800FDD24     # Change to nop

from my version ?
I made some search and I have a beging of solution

For me I have made this :
and now I have the first screen but DTK music is totaly broken

And when I press start Dolphin crash.

I tested whis a debug buld and he said Dubug Error file streamadpcm.cpp line 34 Run time check failure#3 The vairable Hist is beinf used without beind initialized.

And after Dolphin crash
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