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Full Version: Quick Questions & Answers
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Due to the large amount of threads asking the same questions repeatedly over and over that aren't in the FAQ, I have decided to make this thread. In it will be all those questions that just keep getting asked, and if someone has a question not here or on the FAQ they can ask below. I will then add their question and the answer (once resolved) to the OP. If someone creates a new thread asking a question that is here, please just respond with a link to this thread.

This is where I will post the first question.
This is where I will post the first answer.

This is where I will post the second question.
This is where I will post the second answer.

Once I get a decent amount of Qs & As I will sort them into catagories.
Isn't this why we have a FAQ? Fwiw, there are a handful of questions that regularly get asked but aren't in the FAQ currently (e.g. laptop only shows Intel IGP, 3.5-367 is not the latest revision, use LLE audio). However, while it would be nice to have one thread answering all of those frequently asked questions, you'd have a difficult time getting people to look at this thread even if it's stickied.

From experience, I can tell you that half the people (very conservative estimate) who initially come here don't bother to read the current FAQ, our extensive wiki, or search the forum. Finding someone who actually googled their query beforehand is a rare occasion. The point is a lot of people take little to no effort to see if a solution already exists; they merely click "New Thread" and get the answer. It's not bad per se, unless it's one of those questions that's been asked and answered so many times, you really are lazy for not even turning to Google first (*cough*Xinput1_3.dll errors*cough*).

That said, I have no problem with such a thread. Just try not to overlap info from the wiki or FAQ, since that's redundant. Such a thread would be helpful if it contained quick answers to common problems that aren't mentioned anywhere else (aside from, you know, searching). Whenever a question does pop up, users can just link here, or ideally quote the specific section.

But no joy on the sticky. We have enough atm (no thanks to delroth's screenshot thread :p) and being a sticky doesn't guarantee it'll be read at all (just look at all of the threads we've had to close w/o the required info, as set forth in the Announcements).
Okay, but I don't have too much time on my hands because of school. I will edit the first post and basically turn it into a FAQ consisting of Qs & As that aren't on the FAQ. Also if someone has a quick question to ask they can post it below, only of its not in the OP. I will then add it once it has a decent answer to the OP, so eventually it will have all of the questions you could possibly ask and their answers. Once again, moderators can edit my OP and do the same or post below for suggestions. Also, if you find any grammar mistakes in the OP, please tell me.
No please, seriously we (or at least I) do not want to see any further FAQ threads. We've had like 7 different FAQs in the past and it's just a confusing mess for any end user.

Your efforts are appreciated, but please instead tell us what questions should be mentioned in the FAQ (preferably with an answer). You may suggest those in the forums as well, but use a different thread title which doesn't suggest that it's a place for newcomers to seek information.

And with that, closed.