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Full Version: Proper text string for bat file?
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Hi guys. I am trying to create a bat file that will launch the game. I know the text string that will launch it *IF* the rom is already in the same directory as the emulator, for example ie F-Zero-GX is:

Quote:Dolphin.exe /b /e s3-fzero.iso

but what is the correct text command for launching the game if it's contained in *another* directory? I tried:

Quote:Dolphin.exe C:\E\DolphinVariants\ROMS\F-Zero_GX\s3-fzero.iso

And I get some kind of error.
Dolphin.exe /e "%~dp0ROMS\F-Zero_GX\s3-fzero.iso"
You can leave out the quotes if there are no spaces.
You can also use a batch script I had written some time ago that's easy to configure.

Quote:I've written a batch file that should be a bit more user-friendly and extensive than Jacky's version.

All you have to do is:
1. Open notepad
2. Copy the code below to a blank notepad
3. Set your directories to the emulator executable and game iso
4. Set the emulator name and name of the game you want to play
5. Uncomment the back-end you want to use
6. Save the file and run it

echo off

::Enter the emulator executable name including the filetype
set Emulator=Dolphin.exe

::Enter the game you would like to play including the filetype
set Game=Super Mario Galaxy.iso

::Enter the full path of the directory of your emulator
set EmulatorDirectory=D:\Emulation\GCWii\Emulator\Dolphin 3.0\dolphin-3.0-win64\

::Enter the full path of the game location
set GameDirectory=D:\Emulation\GCWii\ISOs\Wii\

::Uncomment (remove the ::'s) for the back-end you want to use
::Comment (add the ::'s infront of the line) everything else
::set BackEnd=OpenGL
set BackEnd=Direct3D9
::set BackEnd=Direct3D11

set LaunchEmulator=%EmulatorDirectory%%Emulator%
set LaunchGame=%GameDirectory%%Game%

start "" ^"%LaunchEmulator%^" /V ^"%BackEnd%^" /e ^"%LaunchGame%^" /b
I got it werkin' now thanks guys Smile