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Full Version: hd 7970, 3570k and 550w
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Hi there,

Thanks for your replies on the "4,2ghz oc with i5 3570k" thread i made. Now, i have a few other questions. I just found a 270 euros hd 7970 card to buy(in a very good state), so it's clearly a great offer. But since i still want to OC my i5 3570k to 4,2-4,4 ghz, i wonder if my 550w PSU will do the trick. (i've asked some people, and it seems that only overclocking my cpu is not a good enough reason to change my PSU, since 500 watts is the minimum for this kind of system.)

So, what do you think, should i still try looking for another PSU?

here's my psu by the way :

Oh yeah, by the way, i have a antec three hundred, and the card is something like 27-27,5 cm, so it should fit, but i'm not too sure (that one

I guess a 550W PSU is strong enough. I'm not sure though. (btw: Your PSU is only 80+ - I recommend 80+ Silver or Gold)
There is also bronze :3
In my opinion, Bronze is not efficient enough. At least Silver (that's my point of view Tongue)

You can run the calculations yourself and see:


The difference between bronze and silver efficiency is only 2-3% in most cases. Hardly a notable difference.
550W can work, depending on how much of the power you have on the 12V rail.
Some PSU can deliver all on 12V and some can only deliver parts on the 12V rail.
You will need around 40A on the 12V rail (480W)

One thing to note, is that PSUs that are going full blast are often very noisy, so I like to go around 20-25% higher than needed.
(I'm sitting on a HX850 atm, which is way more than I need for my system, but it's very quiet)
Thanks guys, it looks like it will do just fine. Still, i've been using my PSU for three years, does that mean it is less efficient than before?
Slightly, yes.
Yep, there is even 80+ Platinum now Tongue
(01-31-2013, 04:18 PM)DefenderX Wrote: [ -> ]Yep, there is even 80+ Platinum now Tongue
I think he is talking about cap aging.
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