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Full Version: Skyward sword save wont export
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as title says, i cant export my skyward sword save for use on my wii, tried with 3.0 and 3.5 anyone had any success with this?
Do u get an error message?
yup, pop up box saying "Question?" in the header and yes and no options to choose from, yes creates a loop of this no just cancels
save export is broken in 3.0, but it should be working in 3.5.
with 3.5 is there a message in the popup? can you upload a zip of the save folder contents?
hm strange, went bed last night and tried it again this morning, and it exported fine, I was using 3.5 the whole time, but i had the same popup in older versions aswell..... weird. maybe dolphin couldn't get permissions to write to the drive or something?