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Full Version: Ubuntu packages now available for download
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Hey everyone,

I recently added a few machines to the buildbot: for developers, this means a Debian amd64 and an Ubuntu amd64 server are now building every version of Dolphin to check for build errors in every commit of every branch.

For users, this means we can now provide builds for the latest Ubuntu version directly on our website. This is not as convenient as a repository providing auto-updates (as Glenn's PPA does), but this will allow you to download the most recent versions of Dolphin on your Ubuntu system without having to compile anything.

If you get any issues with these packages, please report it here or on the Dolphin bug tracker.

Have fun,


any news on the Qt branch?
It would be great also make Qt build branch


When will Dolphin 3.5 be available for ubuntu
had some weird dependency on >libavcodec26 or something from what I remember a few weeks ago. wasn't in repos on the last LTS release. why does it depend on that?