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When I was buying my GPU, I was told that past 1GB, it didn't matter (but got the 2GB version anyway). While often true, I really like high res textures, as in really like them. So much so, that for a week I played Skyrim with about 10GB of texture mods (after conflicts). I actually could tolerate the sub 1FPS I got from that.
Quote:So much so, that for a week I played Skyrim with about 10GB of texture mods (after conflicts). I actually could tolerate the sub 1FPS I got from that.

How exactly did you play the game with a framerate below 1 fps? Movement and combat would be borderline impossible to manage.
Play may not be the best word. It did start to behave like an emulator when it got past a certain point, as in if it dropped below x FPS, it paused the game until the framerate recovered (as in every texture currently visible had been loaded, processed, and unloaded to make room for the next 5GB of textures).

So it wasn't exactly playable, but I generally stayed out of combat, so it was riding around picking up random mushrooms.
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