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Full Version: Dump Textures
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First of all, thank you for this emulator ! It's great to be able to play WII and Gamecube games on the PC. It free the TV for wife and children.
Second, I'm french, so please excuse my english.

Here is my question :
How does the "dump texture" works exactly ? Why does it seems to be several textures on the same file ? Why does some texture appears on several files, mixed with other ? How does the name of the file is generated ?
These questions appears on the Thread of Resident Evil 2 Hi-Res patch, because I have the pal version of the game, so I had to modify some "textures" and attempts to modify others. other than the ID of the game, the files names didn't correspond.
In RE3, the dump is acting really strangely. Same tecture dumped several time, bu linked to another texture (example : Jill outfit with the Jill's Head, and an other file with Jill Outfit and the texture for the chest, etc...)
I hope I was clear, thanks for your time Smile
The "Dump Texture" feature dumps the textures that get sent to your GPU memory.
The way the textures are presented varies per game. It's how the game was made, and how the creators stored the textures.
Dolphin generates the filename, starting with the unique game ID, then an unique hash, and if needed the mipmap levels.

IIRC, you should dump and load textures with the same setting they were dumped as.
Make sure the "Texture Cache Accuracy" is the same as the one the textures were dumped with.
Having it on safe will generate different filenames than having it on fast.
Thanks for your answer. And how does the use custom texture works ? How does the program knows that THIS texture with THIS name si called ?
Is it possible to extract the texture of the game in some way, to put the modified texture in the custom folder with the original name of the texture ?
The fact that 2 texture appeas side by side in the file can be related to multi-core gpu ?

EDIT : Is this possible to add a feature like the "custom texture" but for "custom files" ? a thing which will, when the game ask access to a file, give access to a custom file in a user folder ?