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(07-11-2009, 06:39 AM)Skaterninja25 Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah that part i do not understand. Wish i could use 100% off my CPU.
tested it at 100% for hours its perfectly stable and stays at 32C

well it wouldnt make a difference to me at any rate because i hardly have any room to spare even on the gpu side T_T
well it wouldnt make a difference to me at any rate because i hardly have any room to spare even on the gpu side T_T

Dolphin only uses 50-70% of my CPU :/

i run crysis better than i run Wii games
50-60 in crysis on High 1400x1050 AA8X

Animal crossing for the Wii...... 30-35 fps....
That's odd you run wii games so slow without using up your processor at 100% .... i only wish i had that problem... i also wish i had that problem where you cant figure out what to spend your money on Tongue
(07-11-2009, 06:51 AM)THELUKESTIR Wrote: [ -> ]That's odd you run wii games so slow without using up your processor at 100% .... i only wish i had that problem... i also wish i had that problem where you cant figure out what to spend your money on Tongue

I mean they dont run super bad. Never under 30Fps mostly but they are just slow not because my computer.
Im sure in later builds they will fix Wii games issues FPS wise.

Yeah money i dont have Tongue
This is because Crysis is made for your hardware, while Dolphin is basically translating everything to your CPU. The translation itself takes CPU power, then processing the commands takes power, and if the translation isn't perfectly optimized (it isn't, I'm sure), then you get even more overhead. Technically, I'm guessing they could actually do triple-core if they could get the translation of the CPU instructions on one core, the running of the actual instructions on another, and the translation of the GPU instructions on the third. Currently I think it's one core translates and runs commands while the other handles GPU instructions. I don't know if this is really possible, but it'd be cool if so.
Yeah i think when they get past dual core we will get alot cleaner play.
really i dont think just 2 cores can handle all these next gen Wii games.

It will all get together perfect one day. Game cube games play awsome! Smile


they will never do more than dual core. There thinking about doing 3 cores and using one for Sound but they will never use more than 1 for the cpu because it means more syncing the data and it will actually be slower
(07-11-2009, 07:30 AM)cmccmc Wrote: [ -> ]they will never do more than dual core. There thinking about doing 3 cores and using one for Sound but they will never use more than 1 for the cpu because it means more syncing the data and it will actually be slower

one for sound would be good so that sound wouldnt have an impact on gameplay and my sound would stop cutting out.... but wait, i only have a dual core T_T i just got a dual core and it is allready outdated T_T
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