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Can i open a game without going through dolphin's rom selection? Like a shortcut to Super Mario Sunshine that will immediately open and play with one click.

Thanks in advance Smile
Set isos/gcms to open with Dolphin (in Windows it's done with rigth click, properties)
You could also make a batch file that runs Dolphin and launches a specific game. Just open a text file and enter something like this:

C:\Path_to_Dolphin_Folder\Dolphin.exe /e C:\Path_to_ISO

You'll need to specifiy the correct paths, and if the paths have any spaces, put the whole path in quotations. Rename the file to .bat, and when you click it, it should run Dolphin and launch the game. This is great if you want icons on your desktop capable of launching games with Dolphin.


(10-10-2012, 02:38 AM)Shonumi Wrote: [ -> ]You could also make a batch file that runs Dolphin and launches a specific game. Just open a text file and enter something like this:

C:\Path_to_Dolphin_Folder\Dolphin.exe /e C:\Path_to_ISO

You'll need to specifiy the correct paths, and if the paths have any spaces, put the whole path in quotations. Rename the file to .bat, and when you click it, it should run Dolphin and launch the game. This is great if you want icons on your desktop capable of launching games with Dolphin.

Mother of god, it actually worked. You're a master at explaining, thank you so much!

(10-10-2012, 02:38 AM)Shonumi Wrote: [ -> ]
C:\Path_to_Dolphin_Folder\Dolphin.exe /e C:\Path_to_ISO

Probably should also point out that not all users have all their stuff on the "C:\" drive :p
That's what I mean when I said "You'll need to specifiy the correct paths" :p The drive is part of the path too, but it just helps to illustrate this example, since most everybody's at least heard of the infamous C Drive (even very non-tech savvy people). Glad it worked for the OP though Smile