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It's amazing how much better I can read Spanish since school stopped teaching me French.

Anyway, unless Dolphin starts supporting SLI/crossfire rigs, there's no GPU which can run all games at 4xIR with 9xSSAA, so being rich enough to buy a GTX 680 won't be enough. The best option would be to learn enough code to implement SLI/crossfire support yourself.
(08-24-2012, 11:07 AM)AnyOldName3 Wrote: [ -> ]It's amazing how much better I can read Spanish since school stopped teaching me French.

Anyway, unless Dolphin starts supporting SLI/crossfire rigs, there's no GPU which can run all games at 4xIR with 9xSSAA, so being rich enough to buy a GTX 680 won't be enough. The best option would be to learn enough code to implement SLI/crossfire support yourself.

ok gracias a todos son los mejores un gusto / ok thank you all are the best taste

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