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Full Version: How to de-synchronize BGM in LLE?
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I haven't found a thread asking how to do this, and I'm not sure how to word what I'm looking for into a search engine; apologies if this is already asked.

I have a few GC games I'm trying to emulate that don't utilize audio correctly in HLE; primarily Tales of Symphonia. So, I play it in LLE and have a mild frame drop. I find it playable, tolerable, and don't have much issue with 70-90% FPS gameplay. (At the moment, I assume the future will have faster LLE as the trend has been)

The only problem is the lagging, choppy audio that would be expected out of synchronized audio that plays at a lower speed. It just gets mildly annoying, so I was wondering if there is a way to de-synchronize the background music in LLE, much like how HLE does when the frame rate drops below 100%, and (I hate to bring it up as I'm sure by now you all are tired of hearing it!) the option to de-sync BGM in PCSX2.

If there is no such option, is this a possibility in the future?
Please fill in your profile so we can all know what specs you have.

Have you enabled LLE on Thread in the DSP settings?

As for the sound lagging, for LLE, you'll basically want to have a consistent 100% to avoid sound stuttering.
There is, however, a trick, which is referred to as the VBeam trick by some.
You basically have to either disable Idle Skipping and/or enable VBeam Emulation.

Personally, I only have to disable Idle Skipping for it to work. But others, like Shonumi, only have to enable VBeam Emulation for it to work.
Keep in mind that you might need to enable/disable either/both of them for different games.

This will allow the background music, sounds, etc, to play without stuttering or lagging without having your speed at 100%.
Try to uncheck "Idle Skipping" and check "Accurate VBeam emulation". Or just check "Accurate VBeam emulation" and leave "Idle Skipping" checked. This might help you Wink
This is pretty much exactly what I needed to know! I didn't even know there was an "Accurate VBeam emulation" option, haha. It isn't perfect given my specs, but good enough. I have to learn about more of these "tricks".

And I hesitated to give my specs, because I know how this place feels about using laptops to emulate games, but whatever.

you're welcome Smile

btw: right click on your game -> Properties // In this menu, you can find the VBeam option (and other options too) Wink