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Full Version: Dophin running slow unless mouse is moved
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I am running dolphin (current master) on Linux and when playing a game, it runs quite slow unless I keep moving the mouse around. When doing so, the game runs just like I'd run it on the WII itself. I already played around with the controller settings but that does not seem to be related.

Any ideas?


hmm that is weird, we'll also need more detailed specs then in your profile XD


Fair enough, profile updated Smile

OK I wrote a small script that constantly emulates a moving mouse:


while true; do

  X=$[ ( $RANDOM % 1600 ) ]
  Y=$[ ( $RANDOM % 900 ) ]

  xdotool mousemove  $X $Y


When the script is running while playing the game the game (which is New Super Mario Bros WII btw) works fine. It's a quite hacky workaround though and I'd rather get to the bottom of that issue Smile
Sounds like an IRQ issue. Really weird actually, specially nowadays when the OS deals with that automatically, but sadly I don't have experience on Linux. Do you have the latest drivers for your video card?
grab process explorer and set it to display kernel cpu usage
(07-14-2012, 01:44 PM)Squall Leonhart Wrote: [ -> ]grab process explorer and set it to display kernel cpu usage

Isn't Process Explorer a Windows utility? The OP's running SUSE (Linux). To find out CPU time spent in kernel space, just run the "top" command and look at the % near "sy".


Kernel usage isn't too high, plus I found a way around this: Disable the Framelimit makes the issue go away, for whatever reason. Now things are working fine, except for World 2 in SMB but I found another thread describing that issue. One of the texttures (I suspect the sand) causes the slowdown, in levels without sand things are working fine.