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Full Version: General questions about some audio settings
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I just wanted to know a couple of things about audio settings, not only for Dolphin, but for other emulators as well.

I've been using emulators since the 8th grade, so I have a general sense of what options do what (like turning on Vsync to prevent screen tearing, or ignoring aspect ratio in order to get as full screen as possible). But I still had a few questions about sound emulation.

I understand that a "sync audio to game" option should always remain checked if possible so the audio does not become de-synced, but what about audio size buffer, sample rates, and playback rate? What do these options do? If I wanted to get sound as flawlessly and as accurately as possible, am I supposed to put the playback and sample rates as high as possible? I have read that audio size buffer is supposed to be set lower to make the sound come out faster and more accurate, but I really have not noticed any differences in the emulators I have used lower settings for, not to mention, audio crackles extremely badly.

Also, audio throttle, is this basically equal to syncing the games audio up with the sound core, or is it something different?

In the sense of audio being synced to the game, I have read around about suggestions that any FPS / framelimiter should be turned off in order for the audio to fully sync otherwise the framelimiter and audio sync will compete with each other and will cause problems. Is that really a good idea? I would think the game would go far too fast.

On a completely un-related note, the fire/heat glitch in Wind Waker, I noticed a few users in the wiki mentioned that the game runs "100% playable with no known glitches". Yet, according to the wiki, the glitch is still present in the game. So, um, is the glitch still there or not?

Again, I apologize for the somewhat general question for emulator settings, and that the topic is more focused on emulators in general more than it is on Dolphin, but it seems the only other place I could have made this topic was in Delfino Plaza, and since this was related to emulators, and still includes the Dolphin emulator, I figured this would be the most proper place to put it.

Where on earth do you see audio buffer size and playback rate options? I've been using dolphin and have been active on this forum for over 2 years and I've never seen or even heard of those options being present in dolphin. Are you running the linux version by any chance?