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Full Version: Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn Gecko Codes
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Anyone have a list of which ones actually work? Most i try to use causes the game to not load or wont get past the intro. The only ones ive gotten to work so far is the Bonus EXP, and the Hp Recovery, The gold one which i want completely destroys ever gaining money and makes your money stay at 0.


With the Money Code I've found you have to change the amount of Gold.

+$999999 part 1/Micaiah Gold [Am3692]
043CAAD2 000F423F

The Part in Bold tells the game how much. Change the numbers here and the amount of gold you have will change. Play around with all 3 codes though, they effect one another and I've had to actually go and change each code every-time I switched armys. >>'