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Full Version: All Wii games graphics not in HD anymore on mac
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Okay so the last 2 weeks I have been using the Dolphin Emulator on my Mac Snow Leopard without any issues. But within the last few days I have been getting crappy graphics when in full screen using 1920x1080 resolution and the same with other resolutions also. You see pixels and such and no clean crisp HD graphics like I saw the first time I used this emulator. I still looks okay but not how it used to be. Now I tried it on Bootcamp and it worked fine. But when I use it on the mac I get different results. I have updated to the old and new revisions and still the same graphic problems. Is anyone else having this issue? I am on a Imac 27 inch i7 Quad Core, ATI Radeon 4850 512MB. Let me know if anyone else is having this issue. Its kinda e=annoying especially when outputting it to my TV and you see all the pixels.
and you dont tell us your settings...

EFB Scale?


Everything is setup as Default. Anti-Alias is set to none and EFB Scale has been checked on. I played with all the settings once this issue occurred ad still the same results. Not too sure what it is.
turn on AA to anything
change EFB Scale to integral, 2 or 3

either that or its a graphics problem on your side
updated graphics etc?


Hmm yeah I dont know anymore. I tried all those settings and still looks like crap. I try it on Bootcamp and it looks perfect. Dont know how this happened.
coz its mac.

premium priced Chinese made garbage.