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Seems like im having some kind of issues with my CPU and a couple of wii games(Other M for example)

Yes i know Wii games require a better processor to run them perfectly so here's my MB and processor specs


i just OCed it to 3ghz a couple of days ago, wasnt much of a difference though only GC games were the ones that apparently got the speedup
tested Metroid Other M a bit and i keep getting 35 to 45 MAX on big areas and 50-60 on small areas like some save stations, its starting to really get on my nerves now :S

also i would like some personal opinions whether i should or not get a new processor(I live in Mexico so even the crappy ones are expensive as hell)
Quote:also i would like some personal opinions whether i should or not get a new processor(I live in Mexico so even the crappy ones are expensive as hell)

It all comes down to if you have the money or not and how bad you want to upgrade. All I can tell you is that it would be beneficial.