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Full Version: Bleach Versus Crusade Hi-.Res texture,more musics, more characters
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i would like to update the bleach versus crusade with better musics.
because the original musics osf the game are not so good....

how can i rewrite this game
Go and ask the developers if they would employ you as "lead componist" or something like that. It's the only way I know to "rewrite the game"

Alternatively you can disable "DTK music" and run Windows Media Player while plaing the game
You can't (copyfight, u know).
[color=#9400D3]Tousen Kaname[/color] is now Playable (now it's only a skin of Chad) thank's to [color=#FF0000]sauroushimaki[/color]



with the original Bleach music is much better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Smile

guys move this topoc to Game Discussion, where are the other game projects....


new pics and test


sorry guys i cant upload more pics because the forum not allow to upload more than on file Sad
