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Hello Buddys!

I have a problem with dolphin 3089 ans also older releases. When I start my games (Spots Party or Naked brother band) I just hear the sound of Sports Party (I hear no sound with Naked Band Brothers, but I can sse the fist images "don't throw your mote into the screen..."), but the screen is black. I tried OpenGl and Direct3D with several preferences. But nothing works...

Of course I searched this and other forums for solutions. Seems as if not many people habe this problem. Some solutions seemd to work for other: disable AeroFly and transparency effects on Windows. But it doesn't help. I updated display drivers...

I have an Intel Dual Core E6750 and ATI 4800 series with Windows Vista 36bit.

I tried it on another system. With an Nvidia 9800. The same problem occures.

Hope someone knows the trigger..

Thank you in advacne.



OMG you have windows 36bit!!!!


Yes, computers on Area 51 have this special CPU technology...


OMG. About your problem though, it's one of 3 things.

1. Bad Configuration
2. Bad hardware
3. Problem with dolphin


Ok, thanks to your analysis Smile
I just guessed that there is a problem with ... something Smile

Would be glad if somebody has more hints.


#2 is out of the question so whats your configuration?


First I tired the standard configuration.
off = dual core
on = idle skipping
off = cheats

on = HLE the BIOS all time
on = enable the JIT dynarec
on = lock threads to cores
on = optimize quntizers
on = LLE DSP on thread

off = conform on stop
on = user panic handlers

OpenGl setting =
everything off, except Auto scale and Native resolution

I tried several combinations. Heard that optimize quntizers may cause problems. And i alöso deactiveated multi core. Nothing happens. I disabled other thing, till nearby everything was diabled.

Where is the difference between Dolphin.exe and DolphinIL.exe?


DolphinIL.exe is faster but has more errors because it runs on a different core so Till we figure out whats wrong use Dolphin.exe not IL