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Full Version: [solved] Nunchuck not recognized
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Dear Dolphins,

I bought a wiimote+nunchuck today, and after some messing around I've got the wiimote to work perferctly.
However at games which require the nunchuck, I get the well known 'please connect nunchuck' screen.
No matter how many times I unplug and replug the nunchuck, or what buttons I press, it will not recognize it.

I'm running dolphin 2.0 R 6337
I'm using toshiba bluetooth stack (which was recommended)
And I'm using an unofficial wiimote+nunchuck from qware.

Since it's not the official nintendo wiimote+nunchuck I'm gonna try to test with a real one tomorrow.
But perhaps anyone knows of this problem, and there is a fix.

Any help is appreciated.

(PS: obviously I've searched the forum, but I could not find anything about this specific problem)

[EDIT] I've tried the bluesoleil driver/software as well, same problem.
Today I bought the official wiimote and nunchuck and it works flawlessly! I'm using the latest wiimote with the motionplus inside (in case anyone is wondering if they work also).

So what have we learned?

Qware wiimote+nunchuck = FAIL.
After this I'd probably advise anyone to use the official wii stuff.
Oh and I'm using bluesoleil for bluetooth. (on sale right now for $25 at their website)

Problem solved.