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Full Version: OpenGL, but I'd like a straight answer this time, lol
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Awesome guys, thanks for all the support ^^
I have a Vista 32bit
And where can I enable dual core?
It's in the Options (Click on "Config" and it's the first tab)


under dolphin's config Smile (or Options->Configure Smile)
Oh you guys are great!!!!
It works now that I enable dual core!
Thanks so much guys ^^
And just out of curiosity, is there a way to save your game? Do I just do it like I normally would?


yep Big Grin
OH, and one last thing (You guys are great Big Grin)
Joypads work right? Or does it have to be a certain kind? I have an old generic-y one that works with all of my other games


yes joypads work (just use the nJoy plugin for GC, or config the wiimote plugin to it for wii Tongue), but i'm not sure if all the joypads work with it Tongue)
Thanks again to everyone who helped ^^


no problem Smile

I'm just glad I could help Smile
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