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Does anyone have a blank formatted MemoryCardB.JAP.raw?
Make a copy of "MemoryA.USA/PAL.raw" then rename it
(09-21-2010, 07:07 PM)admin89 Wrote: [ -> ]Make a copy of "MemoryA.USA/PAL.raw" then rename it

I made a copy of my MemoryCardA.JAP.raw and renamed MemoryCardB.JAP.raw and that didn't work.

I then made a copy of my MemoryCardB.USA.raw and renamed that but that didn't work either
Don't know what happened though i still using that method.Anyway here is all my MC
(09-22-2010, 01:04 PM)admin89 Wrote: [ -> ]Don't know what happened though i still using that method.Anyway here is all my MC

Thank you so much, it worked perfectly, now I can use all my Zoids