Bought a early Christmas and birthday present to myself the other day, a HP 655 Notebook for use in business. Nothing fancy at all just a simple good notebook. Only downside was that it came with Windows 8.
Went into BIOS and switched to Legacy Support in able to install Windows 7 on it.
Windows 7 is that old to be classified as a Legacy OS? Anyway I laughed hard because seriously. XP and Vista fine but 7 no way.
Windows 7 is the most stable most reliable desktop OS ever shipped from Redmond, they can take Windows 8 and stick it somewhere because I'm not interested in crap.
Went into BIOS and switched to Legacy Support in able to install Windows 7 on it.
Windows 7 is that old to be classified as a Legacy OS? Anyway I laughed hard because seriously. XP and Vista fine but 7 no way.
Windows 7 is the most stable most reliable desktop OS ever shipped from Redmond, they can take Windows 8 and stick it somewhere because I'm not interested in crap.