First of all the obvious question would be do you need people to do this? Second, I state this because I would like to put forward a "You scratch my back, I scratch yours" type of statement. As I said before I am willing to use my computer to test out builds with nothing more than having what's currently "better" as a return.
I also ask this here, since I'm not sure where to place this. I have been in the emulation thing for quite awhile now, seeing what works and what doesn't in the view of the consumer, I'd love to help out on the side of the producer though.
I'm sure you get plenty of people who ask this regularly, but I want to say that I think my PC is up to snuff with the newest stuff to be able to test these builds effectively. Again, the option remains always yours, and to whomever it may concern, you may take or leave this option as you wish.
I also ask this here, since I'm not sure where to place this. I have been in the emulation thing for quite awhile now, seeing what works and what doesn't in the view of the consumer, I'd love to help out on the side of the producer though.
I'm sure you get plenty of people who ask this regularly, but I want to say that I think my PC is up to snuff with the newest stuff to be able to test these builds effectively. Again, the option remains always yours, and to whomever it may concern, you may take or leave this option as you wish.