So, I'm looking at Dolphin - been years since I've used it - but as I dig through my old hardware, do I need a sensor bar for a Wii Remote + Nunchuck to work with the PC?
I have a Bluetooth adapter, so that's not an issue, just making sure I have everything I need. Since I won't be hooking up the sensor bar to a Wii, I'd have to find another way to power it, if it's even needed. I assume yes, since it needs to ping light off of the controller or something?
I have a Bluetooth adapter, so that's not an issue, just making sure I have everything I need. Since I won't be hooking up the sensor bar to a Wii, I'd have to find another way to power it, if it's even needed. I assume yes, since it needs to ping light off of the controller or something?