Hey all, this is my first ever time posting here...
I have been enjoying dolphin for a while. So I decided to stop mapping buttons to my xbox controller and buy a wiimote and nunchuck plus a few accessories. It's motionplus (built in) but not a TR model. At first this was a worry, but it seemed to work out fine. I played alot of titles and decided to seek out any 1st person sword games... that's when I found dragon quest... and it worked great... but some point through the game (I dont think I'm that far in though) when suddenly I started having pointer issues. If I move the pointer/cursor off the screen or move it too quickly it disappears. Sometimes it comes back as soon as I wiggle it in line with the sensor bar, sometimes I have to erratically move my arm about until it reappears... so this means it takes up to a few seconds for it to acknowledge any input, thus I get slayed by whatever is attacking me.
I failed any troubleshooting attempts and failed atcfindibg anything online... so I went to another title, one I had abandoned... muramasa... in this title it wont let me hold down with the nunchuck, the character keeps going up and down from crouch erratically l.
So anyway, I have a wii motion plus (built in), not a TR model but has worked this far, I only just ordered it from CEX, and the nunchuck was from Ebay, my local CEX doesn't have any wii stuff. I've recently spent around 100 quid (£) on wii stuff now so I refuse to spend more just yet. Everything was working fine till yesterday. I dare go back to titles with the light gun in case I get more infuriated. Gotta keep the stress down man ? Also I'm using a mayflash bar
(Next time I'll try write this on my PC, this hasn't been easy ?
I have been enjoying dolphin for a while. So I decided to stop mapping buttons to my xbox controller and buy a wiimote and nunchuck plus a few accessories. It's motionplus (built in) but not a TR model. At first this was a worry, but it seemed to work out fine. I played alot of titles and decided to seek out any 1st person sword games... that's when I found dragon quest... and it worked great... but some point through the game (I dont think I'm that far in though) when suddenly I started having pointer issues. If I move the pointer/cursor off the screen or move it too quickly it disappears. Sometimes it comes back as soon as I wiggle it in line with the sensor bar, sometimes I have to erratically move my arm about until it reappears... so this means it takes up to a few seconds for it to acknowledge any input, thus I get slayed by whatever is attacking me.
I failed any troubleshooting attempts and failed atcfindibg anything online... so I went to another title, one I had abandoned... muramasa... in this title it wont let me hold down with the nunchuck, the character keeps going up and down from crouch erratically l.
So anyway, I have a wii motion plus (built in), not a TR model but has worked this far, I only just ordered it from CEX, and the nunchuck was from Ebay, my local CEX doesn't have any wii stuff. I've recently spent around 100 quid (£) on wii stuff now so I refuse to spend more just yet. Everything was working fine till yesterday. I dare go back to titles with the light gun in case I get more infuriated. Gotta keep the stress down man ? Also I'm using a mayflash bar
(Next time I'll try write this on my PC, this hasn't been easy ?