some games like Zelda Wind Waker, Pikmin, Luigi Mansion, Mario Sunshine have an issue with vulkan renderer(ogl works fine)
during rendering various objects leaving black traces, here's the video
The video is not mine but i have exactly the same problem
i'm on Adreno 530, i'm not sure if other vendor have this, also no all games suffer from this bug, among my games RE4 and Mortal Kombat Deception works fine even on vulkan. I'd like to know if it's a driver or emu issue, and of course can it be fixed
during rendering various objects leaving black traces, here's the video
The video is not mine but i have exactly the same problem
i'm on Adreno 530, i'm not sure if other vendor have this, also no all games suffer from this bug, among my games RE4 and Mortal Kombat Deception works fine even on vulkan. I'd like to know if it's a driver or emu issue, and of course can it be fixed