I am new to this emulator, and I saw I could play paper mario games on it. However, when I went to download, it didn't save as a folder file, instead as a "7z" file. The icon is a little sheet of paper, and when I double click on it, it gives me an error that I can't open it.
I tried downloading both the latest beta and developmental versions, but the problem lasted. I am on a Windows 10 computer, if it helps.
How do I change this?
I am on a Windows 10 laptop, if it helps.
I am new to this emulator, and I saw I could play paper mario games on it. However, when I went to download, it didn't save as a folder file, instead as a "7z" file. The icon is a little sheet of paper, and when I double click on it, it gives me an error that I can't open it.
I tried downloading both the latest beta and developmental versions, but the problem lasted. I am on a Windows 10 computer, if it helps.
How do I change this?
I am on a Windows 10 laptop, if it helps.