Well, i've been trying set my wiimote as a mouse so i can test the emulator.
so i made a Homemade sensor bar (i just HAD to do it! its so cool when i tell ppl i made it!) with tuts on the net.
point is........ it works, but the mouse pointer goes wild, cant focus on 1 point.
cant barely control it. is it my homemade sensor bar? is it my wiimote? is it my charming good looks?
i really dont know..... any tips???
Thanks in Advance! ;P
so i made a Homemade sensor bar (i just HAD to do it! its so cool when i tell ppl i made it!) with tuts on the net.
point is........ it works, but the mouse pointer goes wild, cant focus on 1 point.
cant barely control it. is it my homemade sensor bar? is it my wiimote? is it my charming good looks?
i really dont know..... any tips???
Thanks in Advance! ;P