So, I've came up with an idea of posting the ini file of an specific game on the wiki of each game so to make a game work better on the emulator, it would just be Ctrl+C -> Ctrl+V and the game would work flawlessly without tinkering the main settings. For example, if the game is eternal Darkness, it would be like this:
instead of this:
I thought in posting this on games that need extra settings, not for optimizing them to work on low end computers or setting the settings to the max on high end ones just becouse every comuter is different.
And also with this method, hidden settings can also be enabled and if you don't want to add all the custom settings shown, you can delete the ones you don't want and if you are a non-native english speaker (like me) and you've got dolphin in a different language, you don't have to bother to translate every config setting to your language to optiize the game.
What do you think, should we do this with all the games? And if you are a Dolphin admin, I would love that you would read this thread and push this to be an stable thing on the dolphin wiki so it will be easier to cofigure easily every game. I've already posted the modification on the Eternal Darkness Wiki page (Here) so you can appreciate the changes.
Any kind of feedback is appreciated.
[color=#ff3333]EDIT:[/color] If you want to know how to make your own INIs, here is a thread where Link_to_the_past shows how to do it: Thread.
(BTW, sorry for my bad english)
instead of this:
I thought in posting this on games that need extra settings, not for optimizing them to work on low end computers or setting the settings to the max on high end ones just becouse every comuter is different.
And also with this method, hidden settings can also be enabled and if you don't want to add all the custom settings shown, you can delete the ones you don't want and if you are a non-native english speaker (like me) and you've got dolphin in a different language, you don't have to bother to translate every config setting to your language to optiize the game.
What do you think, should we do this with all the games? And if you are a Dolphin admin, I would love that you would read this thread and push this to be an stable thing on the dolphin wiki so it will be easier to cofigure easily every game. I've already posted the modification on the Eternal Darkness Wiki page (Here) so you can appreciate the changes.
Any kind of feedback is appreciated.
[color=#ff3333]EDIT:[/color] If you want to know how to make your own INIs, here is a thread where Link_to_the_past shows how to do it: Thread.
(BTW, sorry for my bad english)