This project is based on the Smash 3 and Smash 3C projects over on smashboards. These Smash 3 projects aim to update Brawls dreary art style and turn it into something more akin to Smash 4 while remaining faithful to the characters original games. To that end I have redrawn many of the 3/3C source texture files to 4x their original size to ensure Brawl and Project M look better than ever before.
Screenshots and Comparisons
Screenshots with the Smash 4 style shader
A good idea of how the project looks ingame, I'll try to update this as necessary with new characters.
First make sure you have the Brawl/PM HD Retexture Pack already as I designed it to be patched over in order to keep as many assets HD as possible.
Full Pack
Netplay Pack
The full pack comes in two parts, the files you would load in Dolphin the same way you would for the PM retexture pack, and the fighter files with added effects you can put in the PM virtual SD card or iso. The netplaypack doesn't include some special specs and rimlights to prevent deysnch effect, but it still looks very lovely. The netplay pack has a few characters not included.
PM Extra Content - Full Pack Only
PM Extra Content - Full/Netplay
Full Pack
Netplay Pack
The Full Brawl pack requires a virtual SD card like the PM pack (or you could patch the iso if you want). The netplay pack has a few effects removed because that pack cannot have any edited fighter files.
Brawl Full Pack Extra Content
Progress Chart
I'll be using this to give an idea of what characters I'm working on at the moment.
The Smash 4 Shader for PM
Some shaders made by Ed94, really add in the bloom and colours!
-Everyone in the main Smash Bros HD Texture pack, especially Yami 2b
-The Smash 3 team for assets provided
-My fellow Smash 3C team members for providing assets or texturing HD assets to begin with
Let me know what you all think, any comments are appreciated and help is always wanted for those who'd like to lend a hand.
This project is based on the Smash 3 and Smash 3C projects over on smashboards. These Smash 3 projects aim to update Brawls dreary art style and turn it into something more akin to Smash 4 while remaining faithful to the characters original games. To that end I have redrawn many of the 3/3C source texture files to 4x their original size to ensure Brawl and Project M look better than ever before.
Screenshots and Comparisons
Screenshots with the Smash 4 style shader
A good idea of how the project looks ingame, I'll try to update this as necessary with new characters.
First make sure you have the Brawl/PM HD Retexture Pack already as I designed it to be patched over in order to keep as many assets HD as possible.
Full Pack
Netplay Pack
The full pack comes in two parts, the files you would load in Dolphin the same way you would for the PM retexture pack, and the fighter files with added effects you can put in the PM virtual SD card or iso. The netplaypack doesn't include some special specs and rimlights to prevent deysnch effect, but it still looks very lovely. The netplay pack has a few characters not included.
PM Extra Content - Full Pack Only
PM Extra Content - Full/Netplay
Full Pack
Netplay Pack
The Full Brawl pack requires a virtual SD card like the PM pack (or you could patch the iso if you want). The netplay pack has a few effects removed because that pack cannot have any edited fighter files.
Brawl Full Pack Extra Content
Progress Chart
I'll be using this to give an idea of what characters I'm working on at the moment.
The Smash 4 Shader for PM
Some shaders made by Ed94, really add in the bloom and colours!
-Everyone in the main Smash Bros HD Texture pack, especially Yami 2b
-The Smash 3 team for assets provided
-My fellow Smash 3C team members for providing assets or texturing HD assets to begin with
Let me know what you all think, any comments are appreciated and help is always wanted for those who'd like to lend a hand.