Hello, i've got a little problem with save states and dualshock 3, 4 in Zelda the Wind Waker (didn't test with other games). I use both with scp server to switch to the other when one runs out of battery. I use version 5.0 of the emulator. I tested out with 2 ds4 controllers and 1 ds3 on 2 pcs both running windows 10 x64 with 2 different bluetooth dongles, stable and beta versions of scp server, but get same result (initially thought it was either the controller or the driver).
Problem occurs when i load the game from a save state that for example i saved while using the ds4 and i switch to ds3. If i move the stick down the character will go down but when i release the stick the character will always turn towards the front and walk a few setps. When i load a save state saved with ds3 and use ds4 the same thing happens only reversed, it will always turn toward the back and go down a bit after moving the stick up and releasing. If i start the game with in game save no problem occurs when changing controllers mid-game.
Any solution since the save mode ingame is not the most well thought way of saving.
Problem occurs when i load the game from a save state that for example i saved while using the ds4 and i switch to ds3. If i move the stick down the character will go down but when i release the stick the character will always turn towards the front and walk a few setps. When i load a save state saved with ds3 and use ds4 the same thing happens only reversed, it will always turn toward the back and go down a bit after moving the stick up and releasing. If i start the game with in game save no problem occurs when changing controllers mid-game.
Any solution since the save mode ingame is not the most well thought way of saving.