I made sure my direct x and c++ runtime libraries are up to date... i downloaded the lastest version of dolphin... unpacked it... go to clikc the exe and it says vcomp100.dll cant be found so it fails to start... is this a dll thats supposed to come with dolphin? what am I missing?
By the way, I'm running vista on a dual core amd system with 4 gigs of ram and radeon HD 4200 video.
(10-30-2011, 05:43 AM)firekid1239 Wrote: I made sure my direct x and c++ runtime libraries are up to date... i downloaded the lastest version of dolphin... unpacked it... go to clikc the exe and it says vcomp100.dll cant be found so it fails to start... is this a dll thats supposed to come with dolphin? what am I missing?
By the way, I'm running vista on a dual core amd system with 4 gigs of ram and radeon HD 4200 video.