So me and 3 friends are trying to play bomberman generations in 4 player over netplay..
2 of us can play no issues at all silky smooth.
When a 3rd joins it becomes pretty horrible.. Choppy audio stuttering game play and freezing.
It is also the game that works the best...
mario kart double dash for example is just not happening and we are playing it as a slide show..
Any way i figured there must be some settings we can change to make this better..
pings are on average 40ms in the netplay lobby (could increase in game i guess)
In terms of pc specs we are reasonably even in terms of hardware. with my system probably being the lowest common denominator. with the rest having 970's and one with a 1080.
me and 1 other are using 2nd gen i5's one is using a 2nd gen i7. and the last guy is using a 4th gen i5..
All of us have decent fibre connections with atleast a upload of 4MB/s and down load of 20MB/s (that's mega bytes not bits.) all confirmed with speed test.net
All the images are the same we all own the 2 games we want to play.
And thats bout it i guess..
2 players silky smooth.
3 or 4 players.. Horrible laggy audio stuttering mess..
Little help here would be great as we would really like to play these games over netplay..
"direct connection"
We tried open gl
and dx 12
So me and 3 friends are trying to play bomberman generations in 4 player over netplay..
2 of us can play no issues at all silky smooth.
When a 3rd joins it becomes pretty horrible.. Choppy audio stuttering game play and freezing.
It is also the game that works the best...
mario kart double dash for example is just not happening and we are playing it as a slide show..
Any way i figured there must be some settings we can change to make this better..
pings are on average 40ms in the netplay lobby (could increase in game i guess)
In terms of pc specs we are reasonably even in terms of hardware. with my system probably being the lowest common denominator. with the rest having 970's and one with a 1080.
me and 1 other are using 2nd gen i5's one is using a 2nd gen i7. and the last guy is using a 4th gen i5..
All of us have decent fibre connections with atleast a upload of 4MB/s and down load of 20MB/s (that's mega bytes not bits.) all confirmed with speed test.net
All the images are the same we all own the 2 games we want to play.
And thats bout it i guess..
2 players silky smooth.
3 or 4 players.. Horrible laggy audio stuttering mess..
Little help here would be great as we would really like to play these games over netplay..
"direct connection"
We tried open gl
and dx 12