First of all, hello, I'm new around here, and I registered mainly to get my doubts about the workings of the emulator cleared up.
You see, I have Dolphin 4.0 on my PC (64-bit version, revision 5190), and I usually fire it up to play Melee. I play mostly on keyboard for two reasons:
1. I've grown used to playing games on PC with the keyboard (been playing them for about 15+ years now); and
2. The USB plug of my controller is really faulty (it keeps disconnecting by itself).
The thing is, sometimes when I start a game on Dolphin, the keyboard inputs don't work. I used to have a version where I couldn't choose keyboard input at all, so I updated to a version with keyboard support. But it seems to be selective about keyboard functioning. I can tell when the keyboard is working or not if I open up controller setup and see the drop-down list of available devices. If it's blank when I don't have a controller plugged in, then the keyboard isn't working, like in the image below (taken a few minutes ago):
Funny thing is, last night I was playing just fine (even had an Adventure Mode playthrough), and this morning it's not working anymore. When this happens, it works again an indefinite amount of time later, but it always baffles me as to why suddenly the emulator decides to block keyboard inputs.
If anyone can clear things up for me on this, I'll be grateful.
EDIT: I just figured out, when I plug a mouse to my notebook (which is what I use for playing and everything else - I haven't used desktops for a while), the keyboard inputs work again. It's funny because I had an older version of Dolphin where my keyboard worked normally without the need to plug a mouse in. So, I still want to know what's the cause for this behavior on the emulator's part.
You see, I have Dolphin 4.0 on my PC (64-bit version, revision 5190), and I usually fire it up to play Melee. I play mostly on keyboard for two reasons:
1. I've grown used to playing games on PC with the keyboard (been playing them for about 15+ years now); and
2. The USB plug of my controller is really faulty (it keeps disconnecting by itself).
The thing is, sometimes when I start a game on Dolphin, the keyboard inputs don't work. I used to have a version where I couldn't choose keyboard input at all, so I updated to a version with keyboard support. But it seems to be selective about keyboard functioning. I can tell when the keyboard is working or not if I open up controller setup and see the drop-down list of available devices. If it's blank when I don't have a controller plugged in, then the keyboard isn't working, like in the image below (taken a few minutes ago):
Funny thing is, last night I was playing just fine (even had an Adventure Mode playthrough), and this morning it's not working anymore. When this happens, it works again an indefinite amount of time later, but it always baffles me as to why suddenly the emulator decides to block keyboard inputs.
If anyone can clear things up for me on this, I'll be grateful.
EDIT: I just figured out, when I plug a mouse to my notebook (which is what I use for playing and everything else - I haven't used desktops for a while), the keyboard inputs work again. It's funny because I had an older version of Dolphin where my keyboard worked normally without the need to plug a mouse in. So, I still want to know what's the cause for this behavior on the emulator's part.