Hi there, I'm new here and already I've read the rules in this forum.
I've been using for a while Dolphin Emulator for some GC Games. I've tried its performance in a lot of PCs and never experimented problems with sound or FPS just with the Defaults settings. But when I come back to my own personal laptop, there's some issues I haven't been able to resolve for myself (for almost 1 1/2 month looking for everywhere)
My laptop is an ASUS N750JK, and it's specs are:
CPU: Intel® Core™ i7 4700HQ CPU @ 2.4 GHz with a 3.1 GHz Turbo, 4 MB L3 Cache
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 850M, with 12139 MB
RAM: 16384 MB
Operative System: Windows 8.1 Single Language x64
I've been using two types of Dolphin: 4.0.2 and the last version, downloaded yesterday at night from the official page, 4.0-6286.
I' ve playing some GC Games, especificaly: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, Mario Kart Double Dash, FF: Crystal Chronicles, Super Smash Bros. Melee and Mario Party 7. I just wanted to play them with the accurate speed and FPS. Even I'm using the 3D propierties in my Videocard for this Emulator. But....
I'm experiencing some issues: Starts the game, everything in 100%, but then while playing, the VPS slow down from 60 to less than 50 and my velocity drops to 95%, producing some glicht with the sound and FPS for less than second. Like little "jumps" that don't allows the game run correctly. It happens each 5 or 6 seconds. I have the FPS Limit in 60.
But...there's some problem. The most painful problem:
- My favorite franchise is The Metroid Prime one, but for some reason, when I start the game, just appears a black screen and the sound goes well. Even says: 100%. The situation is: It doesn't matter which PC or laptop I choose for test the emulator and some game (in my work place, some friend's place, etc.), the game RUNS with normality, but in my own it doesn't! I don't know what's the problem 'cause I tested with exactly the same version of Dolphin and the same configuration I have in home (even with just an Intel® integrated Videocard) and it runs without problem. But not in my own pc, that ASUS N750JK.
Maybe there's something I haven't seen yet. Maybe something it's ocurring, but I don't know where i can find it. Need some advice from you.
Thanks for your help, and sorry for my bad English