This has been a branch I've been working on for a couple weeks that needs to get merged but we would like to have a bit of public testing beforehand. This branch shouldn't have any visible or performance impacts.
The point of this branch is to remove GLEW from the project which lets us improve a few things. This branch lets us have run time switching between OpenGL ES 3 and desktop OpenGL instead of compile time. This also marginally improves Wayland support, but it wasn't directed towards that. This change only effects the OpenGL video renderer, not the Direct3D one.
Really what one should be testing for is any performance regressions due to a feature not getting detected correctly, or the OpenGL backend just not working anymore. There shouldn't be any visual changes, but if it happens it would be interesting.
I've tested a few scenarios on my end
For Linux, you'll need to checkout the 'GLExtensions' branch from Googlecode.
<-- Merged to master -->
The point of this branch is to remove GLEW from the project which lets us improve a few things. This branch lets us have run time switching between OpenGL ES 3 and desktop OpenGL instead of compile time. This also marginally improves Wayland support, but it wasn't directed towards that. This change only effects the OpenGL video renderer, not the Direct3D one.
Really what one should be testing for is any performance regressions due to a feature not getting detected correctly, or the OpenGL backend just not working anymore. There shouldn't be any visual changes, but if it happens it would be interesting.
I've tested a few scenarios on my end
- Samsung Chromebook - Exynos5250 - Mali-T604 - Linux - OpenGL ES 3
Nexus 5 - Snapdragon 800 - Adreno 330 - Android - OpenGL ES 3
Lenovo Thinkpad - Core i5 - Intel Ironlake - Linux - OpenGL (Hacked to work around mesa limitations)
Craptop - AMD E-450 - Radeon HD 6320m - Linux - OpenGL
OSX VM with Software Renderer - OpenGL
For Linux, you'll need to checkout the 'GLExtensions' branch from Googlecode.
<-- Merged to master -->